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Cimex Lectularius
The bed bug has been biting humans throughout history.  Unfortunately, bed bug populations have been increasing recently.  These small blood sucking bugs are a nuisance that are extremely difficult to control.

The Hitchhiker
Bed bugs can live for over a year without feeding. This allows them to wait for potential hosts. Bed bugs can inhabit any number of locations and then hitchhike their way back to your home. Definitely be cautious when buying or accepting secondhand items like clothing, mattresses, and furniture.
Hiding Places
Bed bugs will emerge at night from their daytime hiding places.  They are attracted to our body warmth and the carbon dioxide we exhale.  

Of course, the bed bug is found in mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and bedding.
However, they can also be found hiding in other locations:  furniture, nightstands, carpet edges, curtains, baseboards, wall voids, door frames, electrical outlets, etc.

Signs of Bed Bugs
Blood stains on bedding may indicate the presence of bed bugs.  A bed bug bite is typically painless and only takes a few minutes to complete.  Reaction to the bite is varied.  Some people will show no signs of a bite while others will experience red swollen spots that may have a rash like appearance.

If you suspect bed bugs, thoroughly inspect all sleeping and resting places.  Be sure to pull back any folds in mattresses and furniture where a bed bug can hide.  Remember, bed bugs are small and like to hide in cracks and crevices.

Treating for Bed Bugs
There are several options that a homeowner can utilize to help eliminate a bed bug infestation:  mattress encasements, pesticides, diatomaceous earth, beg leg traps, odorless vapors in sealed bag.

Bed bugs are very difficult to fully eradicate due to their resiliency and pesticide resistance.  Diligence in continued inspections and applications over a long period of time will be required.  Services of a professional pest management service should be considered.

Stop by Mug-A-Bug to discuss potential bed bug solutions!

Other Tips for Prevention:
Be very cautious of secondhand like clothing, mattresses, and furniture.
When traveling, inspect hotel room mattresses, box springs, curtains, and baseboards for potential infestation.
Use luggage racks to hold luggage.  Do not set on ground or on bed.
Unpack luggage directly into wash when returning home.
Reduce clutter in home to eliminate hiding places.

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